Date: October 1 – 19, 2014
Venue: Curate, LG1-1, SENI Mont’ Kiara, 2a Changkat Duta Kiara, Mont’ Kiara, 50480 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (permanently closed)
A brief survey on the development of art in Indonesia, the selling exhibition features 31 artworks by 24 Indonesian modern masters and contemporary artists including a rare 5 volume book illustrating the collection of President Soekarno compiled by Lee Man Fong.
The exhibition aims to showcase the artistic qualities embedded in the spirit of a nation rich in cultural and political history that have largely contributed to Indonesia’s diverse cultural expressions.
The selection of artists and artworks for Dulu Kini (Past Present) encapsulates a journey of a broad timeline in Indonesian art. Categorised by themes, the collection is assembled through an array of styles and medium. Much of the influence that shaped modern Indonesian art is widely attributed to the topographers and cartographers of the Dutch East Indies that came into conquest in 1800. Most of these draftsmen not only recorded the archipelago’s terrain, but also depicted the lives of various ethnic groups through their drawings in pencil, watercolour, ink, oil pastels or oil paint on paper and canvas. Among the artists showcased here who illustrate the grandeur of nature are Lucien Frits Ohl (1904-1976); Sudjono Abdullah (1911-1991); Koempoel Sujatno (1912-1987); R. Hadi (1958) and I Gusti Agung Wiranata (1970).
Figurative and portraiture is also one of the recurring themes in Indonesian paintings. In this show, artists who capture figurative images and incorporate daily livelihood into their works are Auke Cornelis Sonnega (1910-1963); Lee Man Fong (1913-1988); Sudarso (1914-2006); Basoeki Abdullah (1915-1993); Dullah (1919-1996); Popo Iskandar (1927-2000); Djoko Pekik (1938); Nyoman Gunarsa (1944); Arifien Neif (1955); Dede Eri Supria (1956) and Ida Bagus Putu Purwa (1976).
Unconventional methods of expressions such as conceptual and abstract are evident in the works of old master Sudjana Kerton (1922-1994) whose 1960 piece fit perfectly well alongside the works of contemporary artists FX Harsono (1949); Ugo Untoro (1970); Yunizar (1971); Erica Hestu Wahyuni (1971); Putu Sutawijaya (1971); Dipo Andy (1975); and Eko Nugroho (1977).
Arifien Neif, Happy Family, 2007, Acrylic on canvas, 80cm x 90cm
FX Harsono, Taste of Pain (Tiktik Nyeri Series), 2008, Acrylic on canvas, 160cm x 160cm
FX Harsono, Welcome Drink, 2008, Mixed media print on canvas, 179cm x 300cm
Eko Nugroho, The Magician, 2007, Acrylic on canvas, 200cm x 150cm
I Gusti Agung Wiranata, Bali Life, 1995, Gouache on paper, 54cm x 92.5cm
I Gusti Agung Wiranata, Balinese Scene, 1999, Acrylic on canvas, 60cm x 100cm
Auke Cornelis, Activities Along The River, 1956, Mixed media on paper, 36cm x 19cm
Basoeki Abdullah, Gadis, undated, Oil on canvas, 60cm x 46cm
Dede Eri Supria, Take A Rest, 2006-2014, Oil on canvas, 120cm x 100cm
Doko Pekik, Buruh, 1998, Oil on canvas, 31cm x 44cm
Dullah, Nenek, undated, Oil on canvas, 38cm x 50cm
Erica Hestu Wahyuni, Prosperity Vacation, 2013, Acrylic on canvas, 150cm x 200cm
Erica Hestu Wahyuni, De Regenboo In Holland, 2013, Acrylic on canvas, 80cm x 110cm
Erica Hestu Wahyuni, Super Heroes Supper Galactica, 2014, Acrylic on canvas, 80cm x 110cm
Erica Hestu Wahyuni, Vacation In Prosperity, 2013, Acrylic on canvas, 80cm x 110cm
Erica Hestu Wahyuni, Glory of Toy, 2014, Acrylic on canvas, 80cm x 110cm
Ida Bagus Putu Purwa, Jaranan, 2014, Oil on canvas, 150cm x 200cm
Koempoel Sujatno, Indonesian Street Scene, undated, Oil on board, 36cm x 58cm
Lee Man Fong, Seated Lady, undated, Watercolour on paper, 53cm x 35cm
Lucien Frits Ohl, Chinese Junks, undated, Oil on board, 78cm x 117cm
Lucien Frits Ohl, Farmers, undated, Oil on board, 58.5cm x 48cm
Nyoman Gunarsa, Two Balinese Dancers, 1995, Oil on canvas, 95cm x 95cm
Nyoman Gunarsa, Balinese Dancer, 2013, Oil on canvas, 95cm x 95cm
Nyoman Gunarsa, Mother And Child, undated, Oil on canvas, 95cm x 95cm
Nyoman Gunarsa, Two Balinese Dancers, undated, Oil on canvas, 70cm x 70cm
Dipo Andy, East And West, 2004-2005, Mixed media on canvas, 111cm x 111cm
Popo Iskandar, Cat, 1973, Oil on canvas, 44cm x 72cm
Popo Iskandar, Two Leopards, 1997, Oil on canvas, 120cm x 120cm
Putu Sutawijaya, Semedi, 2005, Oil on canvas, 110cm x 80cm
Putu Sutawijaya, Matahari Terkadang Hadir, 1998, Mixed media on canvas, 140cm x 90cm
R Hadi, Panen, undated, Oil on canvas, 70cm x 119cm
Sudarso, Gerobok Sapi, 1979, Oil on canvas, 69cm x 99cm
Sudjana Kerton, Fish And Cat, 1960, Oil on canvas, 66cm x 31cm
Sudjono Abdullah, Landscape, undated, Oil on canvas, 79cm x 159cm
Sudjono Abdullah, Pasar, undated, Oil on canvas, 99cm x 144cm
Sudjono Abdullah, Market Scene, undated, Oil on canvas, 99cm x 148cm
Koempoel Sujatno, Memandikan Kerbau, undated, Oil on canvas, 88cm x 140cm
Ugo Untoro, Anubis, 2003, Watercolour on paper, 33cm x 28cm
Ugo Untoro, Ibu Dan Anak, 2001, Oil on canvas, 100cm x 80cm
Yunizar, Sepasang Burung Di Atas Kepala, 2005, Oil on canvas, 49cm x 39cm
Paintings and Statues from the Collection of President Soekarno of The Republic of Indonesia, Volume i – v, compiled by Lee Man Fong